Addiction Therapy Programs in Trenton, NJ

Authoritative texts define addiction as a mental disorder. Some observers do dispute the technical accuracy of a definition of this kind. The experts on our addiction therapy programs in Trenton, however, see the issue differently. Whatever side of the line one may be on with the definition, viewing addiction as a mental disorder is practical and helpful to those actually attempting to recover from an addiction.

The primary obstacle to overcoming addiction is not the pain, the headaches or other such symptoms that show up when cessation is attempted. As difficult as those symptoms can be, they disappear with no more than a few weeks of treatment. The main hurdle on the way to freedom from drugs, instead, is the psychological attachment to the pleasure, the lifestyle and the escapism that come with use. Addiction brings with it a lack of objective reason that makes it hard for addicts to truly understand the consequences of abuse.

No cure exists for such psychological attachment. The only way to counter it is to painstakingly work with therapists to discover and train for avoidance strategies. Seeing addiction as a simple bad habit, addicts expect to be quickly rid of it. When they see addiction as a mental disorder, however they naturally expect to put work into it for years, just the way people with bipolar, schizophrenia or depression do.

How Does Therapy Help?

There are many reasons why some people give in to addiction and others resist. Psychological shortcomings, however, are an important reason. Those who go down the path of substance abuse and addiction usually suffer from a deep need for escapism, rather than meaningful solutions. They may have difficulties dealing with people, and seek help from drugs or alcohol to loosen up. They may find it hard to focus, and depend on a drug to do it for them.

If it was psychological challenges such as these that first pushed you into substance abuse, they won't have gone away on their own after our drug detox in Trenton. They need to be addressed if they are not to sabotage your life again out of detox.

Psychological therapy programs for addiction to drugs and alcohol can help recovering addicts overcome psychological challenges, and build a stronger, more resilient mind capable of facing life.

Addiction can create psychological shortcomings of its own, as well. The formation of triggers is one example. Every individual going through addiction forms areas of weakness. When environmental factors or stimuli set off one of these triggers, they usually create an irresistible urge to turn to substance abuse. Triggers form for a variety of complex reasons. The most important thing for addicts in recovery, however, is finding a way to recognize where these triggers lie, and to sidestep them. Our addiction therapy programs in Trenton can greatly help in this goal.

Accepting Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the primary therapy programs for addiction treatment. Most such therapeutic courses run three months. It is a one-on-one therapeutic approach. In the typical course, the therapist sits down with the patient, and gathers information through friendly chats. He learns about the patient's problems, the way in which he sees substance abuse or addiction, the way the typical session of drug use goes and so on. Armed with this information, the therapist begins to recognize areas of weakness that are likely to get in the patient's way in recovery. If shame and guilt are found to be problems, therapeutic plans such as twelve-step programs are recommended. These same issues can be caught by our dual diagnosis in Trenton.

Self-defeating cognitive distortion is often discovered, and behavioral exercises are offered for them. An all-or-nothing attitude is an example. Patients who suffer from this distortion often view the first sign of failure as failure itself, and quit. The typical session of CBT might include an exercise writing down in detail various negative thought patterns that form in the mind after an unpleasant incident. Then, the recovering addict attempts to find objective evidence in support of and against each one of these automatic thoughts and feelings. Exercise of this type quickly helps the mind form more positive ways of thought.

Participate in Our Addiction Therapy Programs in Trenton

As powerful as CBT and similar therapy programs for addiction can be, there are areas that they tend to not be particularly well-suited for. Many advanced rehab centers, then, offer complementary therapies — therapies that do work, but only for some patients.

Art therapy and music therapy are recommended to patients who have trouble expressing themselves. Artistic expression is able to free the mind and make for lower anxiety and stress.

Moral reconation therapy helps patients who never had the opportunity, growing up, to develop a dependable moral compass. They may have experienced poor parenting or they may have been exposed to too many negative influences. In moral reconation therapy, the therapist works with the patient to help with the building of a good moral sense. A strong conscience can often help with addiction.

At our clinic for addiction therapy programs in Trenton, our experts offer a wide range of therapeutic approaches to help every patient. When you're ready to find a drug rehab in Trenton center that can truly help you, call us at (877) 804-1531. We can help in your search for effective therapy with helpful information and guidance.

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